Top 4 Prank Text Services To Get Revenge (SPAM Phone Anonymously)

Top 4 Prank Text Services To Get Revenge (SPAM Phone Anonymously)

Getting back at someone with a prank text is one of the best ways to get even. If you’re looking for a way to get revenge on someone without them knowing it, then these services might be just what you need.


TextSPY is a prank text service that allows you to send anonymous text messages to anyone. It works by sending a text message from a random phone number, so it’s not possible for them to know who sent it.

TextSPY also allows you to send texts from your own phone number, which means that no matter what happens–if they reply back or not–you can still take advantage of this service!


FartText is a service that allows you to send prank text messages. You can select from different types of farts, including regular farts and loud ones. The app also has different options for the time between when your message is sent and when it’s received so that you can create an even more embarrassing experience for your victim!

Phantom Texting

Phantom Texting is a free service that sends anonymous text messages to anyone. You can send a message to a specific person, or a group of people. It also has an option where you can choose from a variety of message templates, or create your own.

Phantom Texting is great for when someone steals your phone and then tries to get back at you by sending messages like “I’m sorry” or “I love you.” But if they don’t have access to your phone anymore (like when they get locked out), then there’s no way for them to read what’s on it–unless they know how to hack into it! This means that if someone hacks into one of these phones with their own device, all their texts will appear as coming from another person entirely!


The smartphone is a free prank texting service that allows you to send anonymous text messages from any number. There are lots of different services like this, but the Smartphone is one of the best because it offers an array of features including:

  • Texting from your own phone number or someone else’s
  • Sending photos and videos with your messages
  • Creating fake profiles for people you want to prank (e.g., setting up fake profiles for celebrities)

Get back at someone with a prank text by using services like these.

Top 4 Prank Text Services To Get Revenge (SPAM Phone Anonymously)
Top 4 Prank Text Services To Get Revenge (SPAM Phone Anonymously)

Revenge is sweet, and getting back at someone who has wronged you can be really satisfying. You don’t have to be a criminal mastermind to pull off some serious pranks on your friend or partner. Prank texts are easy to send, and they’re anonymous too!

The best part about prank texting? You can do it anonymously! There are many different websites out there that offer this service, but the one we recommend is called because it’s easy to use and doesn’t require any registration or signup process before sending your first message (which makes sense given how simple their website design is).


We hope you’ve found these options useful. Remember, it’s always a good idea to use caution when sending messages online. Avoid using unverified services, and if possible, try to find someone who will be able to confirm the authenticity of your text before they respond back with anything inflammatory or threatening. Good luck!

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