The Basics of Law: A Beginner’s Guide in 2023

A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Basics of Law

What is the Basics of Law? The law is a system that governs society and helps to keep it running smoothly. It’s made up of two main kinds of laws: common law and statutory. Common lawyers are those who have studied the basics of common law while statutory lawyers know about the procedures involved with making new laws or amending existing ones.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at each one so you can better understand how they work!

What Is the Basics of Law?

Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.

What Does Common Law Mean?

Common law is a body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts. It is based on custom and precedent, not legislative statutes. The common law developed by judges rather than legislators, and it does not have an official written text that can be consulted for guidance by litigants in court disputes.

Common Law
Common Law

The common law system is the foundation of most legal systems around the world; it acts as an informal standard for determining what rules apply to specific situations or facts (i.e., what constitutes “lawful” conduct). This means that if you’re caught doing something wrong under a particular set of circumstances say, breaking into someone’s house while they were away it’s likely that you’ll be punished under both criminal laws and civil ones because they all have similar principles at their core: protecting individuals who have been harmed by others’ actions against further harm caused by those same individuals (or third parties).

What Is Statutory Law?

Statutory law is legislation that has been enacted and signed into law by the governing authority. In other words, statutory law is made by lawmakers. Statutory laws come in two types: primary and secondary. The term “primary” refers to those pieces of legislation that were passed first (and therefore take precedence over any secondary or tertiary laws). Primary statutes generally apply across all levels of government; however, they may also be limited to certain areas or classes of people (such as public employees).

Statutory Law
Statutory Law

Primary legislation can be further divided into two categories: general and special – each with its own set of rules about how it must be interpreted and applied within society at large. General laws include things like traffic regulations or criminal statutes; these are often referred to as “statutes” because they have been codified into formal rules which must be followed by everyone else who lives under them (e.g., state statutes). Specialized types include zoning ordinances; these regulate how land may be used within specific geographic boundaries without violating any other existing laws concerning property rights etc..

What is Administrative Law?

Administrative law is the body of law that regulates the activities of the executive branch of government, which includes federal agencies, state agencies and other administrative bodies. It also includes rules concerning their relationship with private parties.

Administrative law concerns itself with the legal principles that guide the exercise of discretion by administrative agencies in carrying out their functions. These include such matters as fair notice to those subject to regulation; procedural rights (including due process); limits on agency power; review by courts or other tribunals; and other aspects related to internal operations within an agency’s jurisdiction.

Administrative Law
Administrative Law

Having a good understanding of the workings of law helps you in your daily life. It also helps you understand how to avoid legal trouble, protect yourself from legal trouble and handle it if there is a problem.

If you are a citizen of the United States, then you are subject to US law. You can’t just ignore it and pretend that it doesn’t exist. The same applies if you live in another country; the laws of your land apply to you as well.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of law that you should know. We hope you learned something new! If you have any questions about what we discussed or would like to share your own thoughts on these topics, feel free to leave us a comment below.

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