Working on cell phone repairs seems like a pretty straightforward job – you get phones that are broken or damaged, you take them apart, fix the problem, and then you put them back together. It certainly feels great to repair something that way. But often, running a repair business isn’t as simple as that.
Repairing cell phones comes with its own set of troubles, systems, nuances, and headaches. If you’re not prepared for it, professionally repairing cell phones can get overwhelming very quickly. It certainly isn’t for the faint of heart and that’s why we’re here to help you keep in check all the things that can cause you misery.
In this article, we’ll be outlining some of the major areas to keep an eye on when working on your cell phone repair business.
Have the right cell phone repair shop software
The very first thing that you need to be aware of is the software that you’re using. Conventionally, many businesses starting out would rely on some spreadsheet software and forms to manage all their data. This may be convenient in the beginning, but such software is not equipped to handle the nuances of cell phone repair management at all.
What you need is a cell phone repair shop software solution that can take care of all the different tasks at your store. Your software of choice should be able to incorporate aspects of many different modules, such as a POS, a ticketing system, inventory management, invoicing, item ordering, record management, employee management, options for payment methods, etc.
Cell phone repair shop software is often available from specialized companies that offer it on a subscription basis. One of the benefits of buying into one of these services is that they post regular updates, offer new features, and keep your storage in the cloud, allowing for security and easier access on multiple devices. This can be useful when your cashier, technician, and manager need access to the system for different purposes.
Simply put, a professional repair shop software will be the first step to bringing your repair business in order.
Build relationships with your vendors
Your repair shop is going to require all sorts of tools, parts, and accessories to be able to repair phones. Naturally, having a supply of these crucial items is important, and the way to get them is through vendors and wholesalers. It goes without saying that you need to cultivate strong relationships with your vendors in order to get your business running.
If you want to start on this route, you’ll first have to identify the market that you’re catering to and see which vendors in your area can satisfy those needs. For example, if you’re planning to service Apple phones only, you’ll have to look for vendors that offer third-party solutions or contact Apple directly to get OEM parts.
Once you’ve established contact, it’s all a matter of creating a supply chain with them. Most vendors offer a number of shipping options, including overnight delivery. This option is especially useful if you need parts and tools urgently, so be on the lookout for it. You’ll also be entitled to benefits such as free shipping and other goodies when your order amount reaches a certain level.
Finally, going the extra mile for your vendors is often greatly appreciated. If you’ve got someone local, sending them a couple of pizzas is a great gesture for all their hard work. If they’re remote, then inviting them to have drinks with you next time they’re in town works as well. Even chatting up the delivery person while your order is being unloaded helps out. It’s the little things that matter, so don’t shy away from making friends with them.
Stay on top of your inventory management
As we’ve mentioned earlier, having a proper system in place is really important for a cell phone repair business. It’s something that maybe you won’t concern yourself with earlier, but as soon as orders start coming in, you’re going to need to sort out your inventory management. This is where your repair shop software can help.
Managing your inventory requires working on a lot of different tasks. You have to make sure the items you’ve ordered are cataloged properly, assign them space in your warehouse or storage area, periodically check to see what your inventory status is, etc. For all these purposes, having a system that allows you to quickly manage and maintain your inventory is important. It’s a system that needs to sync with your front desk, your technician lab, your warehouse, and any other departments that are part of the supply chain.
Also important is cataloging your parts and items properly. They need to have proper stock-keeping unit (SKU) codes or universal product codes (UPC), they must identify the vendor, and also have provisions for different variants, among other things. For example, it would be a lot easier if you have an outer casing sorted by color for a particular variant of a phone that comes in so you can repair it much quicker. All these little things add up and it’s best to keep your inventory management system as fluid as possible.
Invest in your workforce
Your repair shop is only as good as the people working in it. If you want your repair business to be successful, you’ll have to invest in your workforce and make sure that they are at their best when dealing with their jobs. That’s another thing that initially you might not think about but will need to keep in mind at some point down the line.
When hiring employees to work for you, you’ll also want to gauge what their skills are and where they will need adequate training. Giving training to your staff in areas such as repairs, management, and customer service will make them better at handling tasks and providing quality. It’s this quality that customers will be looking for, and you can easily build your repair store business by highlighting these unique traits.
There are plenty of online and in-person courses that you can look to provide your staff. Popular websites such as Coursera and Udemy can help your staff train and gain certifications for their work. If you want to work on Apple products, this will actually be a requirement, since they have specialized courses that need to be completed if you want to be an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP).
Trainings aren’t the only way that you can invest in your people, though. You can make their work a lot easier by adding more sophisticated systems to your repair store, offering them better commission rates, funding their academic pursuits, or even having company-wide dinners and barbecues. Even something as simple as adding a coffee machine or arranging breakfast for them can be a great way to boost morale and have your employees working at their best.
Running a repair business isn’t an easy task at all. As we’ve illustrated above, there are a lot of things to take into consideration when you start out, and it only ramps up from there. Certain areas of your business will require more attention than others, and it’s these areas that you should focus on before working on others.
Some necessary components of your repair business such as the supply chain, inventory management, and getting a cell phone repair shop software need to be resolved right at the beginning, whereas building strong relationships with your vendors and investing in your staff come a little later down the road. Regardless, if you focus your attention on keeping these areas on point, your business will continue to grow and shoot towards success better than ever before.